Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati Admissions 2017-18

 ACHARYA (Eq.M.A.) : Choice Based Credit System (In this scheme for each of the following     Sastrs, there five papers, in which four papers will be from (A) Hard core Sastras and 1 Paper will     be from (B) Soft Core Sastras for each Semester). Soft Core has to opt from other Sastras.
    A. Hard Core Sastras: 1. Sahitya (60), 2. Vyakarana (30), 3. Phalitha Jyotisha (15), 4. Siddhanta         Jyotisha (15), 5. Nyaya (15), 6. Advaita Vedanta (20), 7. Visistadvaita Vedanta (15), 8. Dwaita         Vedanta (15), 9. Agama (15), 10. Mimamsa(15), 11. Dharma Sastra(15), 12. Sankhya Yoga (13),         13. Puranetihasa (15), 14. Vedabhashyam (15)
    B. Soft Core Sastras : i) 1. Sahitya, 2. Puranetihasa,
                           ii) 1. Vyakarana, 2. Siddhanta Jyotisha, 3. Phalitha Jyotisha, 4. Vedabhashyam,                                 5.Dharma Sastra
                           iii) 1. Nyaya, 2. Advaita Vedanta 3, Dwaita Vedanta, 4. Agama, 5. Mimamsa,                                         6. Sankhya Yoga, 7. Visistadvaita Vedanta.
        MA Hindi, MSc Computer Science and Language Technolgy, MA IMT, PG Diploma in Comparative
       SIKSHA SASTRI (Eq. to B.Ed.)
 Last date: 05-06-2017
Further details see http://rsvidyapeetha.ac.in/admission-notification2017-18.html


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